A Setback for an Expanding Europe

Russia appears to win the political boundary battle over where Europe ends and where its buffer sphere begins.

“That’s the whole point of Europe, that we don’t have to create camps and fight with each other, but to create common spaces,” said President Giorgi Margvelashvili of Georgia, whose country, along with Moldova, emerged as a hero of the gathering by moving forward with its own preliminary agreement with the European Union.

via http://nyti.ms/1bt01EA

Cohen on The Past in Our Future

We see shades of ourselves (and of nations) in our past. But time moves forward–making predictions and insight difficult to find. The stakes? Roger Cohen explains in NYT.com:

Our world is facing similar challenges, some revolutionary and ideological such as the rise of militant religions or social protest movements, others coming from the stress between rising and declining nations such as China and the United States. We need to think carefully about how wars can happen and about how we can maintain the peace.’’

via http://nyti.ms/1cmwbxK

Five American Foreign Policy Fact-Checks for Thanksgiving | Daniel W. Drezner

Thanks to Professor Drezner for some good zingers to use in those confrontations around the Thanksgiving turkey:

WHAT YOUR RELATIVE WILL SAY:  “I don’t see why we have to spend so much of our taxpayer dollars on other countries.  If we cut foreign aid that would really help balance the budget!!

via Five American Foreign Policy Fact-Checks for Thanksgiving | Daniel W. Drezner.