The Consensus Building Approach: Can Games Really Change the Course of History?

The Harvard Program on Negotiation is one of the best resources for identifying negotiation case studies and simulations.  Lawrence Susskind explains the power of games:

Role-play simulations can be used in three ways.  First, they can be used to give students a chance to experience situations in which they might someday find themselves, offering a quasi-realistic chance to apply what they have learned in class.  When used properly, with the help of skilled instructors, role-play simulations can be very effective educational tools.  Role-play simulations can also be used as part of a research agenda especially in the negotiation field.   In the same way carefully structured laboratory experiments involving students are often used to test psychological hypotheses, role-play simulations, run repeatedly with similar sets of players — some of whom are instructed behind-the-scenes to try different negotiating techniques — are being used to determine the efficacy of various negotiating strategies.

via The Consensus Building Approach: Can Games Really Change the Course of History?.